I’m a Museum Professional who loves creating education, public and theatre programming.

A little bit about me

I'm a graduate of the University of Missouri—St. Louis and the Cooperstown Graduate Program. I belong to the American Association of Museums and the International Museum Theatre Alliance. I enjoy movies, crafting, traveling, and hanging out with my dog, Ellie.

Check out my resume

Visit my experience page to take a look at my qualifications, work experience, education, and other accomplishments.

View my portfolio

Be sure to take a look at my portfolio to see the kind of programs and activities I have created.

Hire me as a Museum Consultant

I have created successful projects for museums with a wide variety of disciplines (art, history, science and general studies) and different sizes (small, medium and large). I have worked with public and private institutions across the country. Some of my clients include:

Contact me

If my abilities and your needs sound like a good fit, please feel free to get a hold of me and send me a message.